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International Testimonial List

Feedback on my work in various countries.
Reaktionen von Kunden aus diversen Ländern.

Paul Finelli, Pittsburgh, USA

HARODIM Filmposter

HARODIM Filmposter

Polyband, 24 Bilder

Paul Finelli on editing "HARODIM"
From "Camera in the Sun"

"We needed archiving first, and that was a major job that had to be orchestrated by Thomas Ilg, who ended up editing the movie. He created this system for archiving and labeling every piece of footage we had gotten.
There"s a certain visceral relationship between the news footage, the live action, and the way you"re cutting in and out. Without a working knowledge of all the footage that was there, it was gonna be almost impossible for an editor I don"t care who he is to sit down with that kind of labyrinthine job. You have to first go through all of the footage that"s been assembled, and somehow creatively match that up with the cuts written into the script, and the stuff that we"d actually shot, while selecting pieces of the best performances. I mean, it"s a very, very elaborate process. And I realized that the only way we could ever get it done in a reasonable amount of time was to use Thomas Ilg to edit the movie. He actually turned out to be a very good editor. And some of the best compliments that we"ve received on this movie have been about the editing."

Nicky Moona, New York, USA

Tom not only shot and edited my cooking video series he also managed and directed the crew with such a keen sense for a creative eye. He has in-depth experience with shooting food and directed the videos in such a manner that is made it very easy to perform multiple tasks while on camera. I would recommend Tom to all looking for super talent. He is amazing at what he does and is motivated & dedicated to the project at hand, personable to crew, knowledgeable of the set and technology. I would love to work with Tom again!

Nicky Moona

Nik P., Österreich

Nik P. - Wo die Liebe deinen Namen ruft

Nik P. - Wo die Liebe deinen Namen ruft


Bei den Dreharbeiten zum Videoclip "Wo die Liebe deinen Namen ruft"* hat sich Thomas Ilg als sehr proffessionell und Ausdauernd erwiesen. Er hat mit viel Kreativität und Engagement tolle Bilder eingefangen und aufgezeichnet und so zum gutem Gelingen der Produktion beigetragen auf die ich sehr stolz bin. Ich freue mich auf weitere tolle Drehs mit Thomas und wünsche ihm alles Gute und weiterhin viel Erfolg.

Nik P.

* "Wo die Liebe deinen Namen ruft"
Kamera und Schnitt: Thoams Ilg
Regie und Produktion: Reinhold Bilgeri

Reinhold Bilgeri, Österreich

Die Arbeit mit Thomas Ilg ist sehr inspirierend und weist ihn als ausgesprochenen Experten des "Smooth Cutting aus. Er hält das, was man in keiner Filmschule der Welt lernen kann, abrufbar bereit: nämlich ein intuitives Gefühl für Rhythmus, Tempo und Atmosphäre einer Szene. Seine handwerkliche Flexibilität, sein technisches Knowhow und seine Präzision im Erfassen des Kerns einer Szene sind wirklich bemerkenswert. Die Arbeit mit ihm ist Herausforderung und Spaß zugleich.

Reinhold Bilgeri
Regisseur, Autor, Produzent, Musiker
(Zusammenarbeit als Editor für den Kinospielfilm "Der Atem des Himmels")

Apache Lighting, Hollingbourne/Kent, UK

Dreharbeiten in Kent/UK

Dreharbeiten in Kent/UK

Lichtaufbau gegenüber der Kamera

Apache Lighting was hired by Thomas Ilg to help light 2 days shooting at a print facility in Kent, UK. He greatly impressed me with his command of the English language,
along with his calm professionalism and creative skills particularly when faced with challenges outside his control. We look forward to working with Thomas again soon.

Paul Dixon
Apache Lighting

Belarus Productions, Minsk, Belarus

Belarus Productions, was hired by Tomas Ilg to provide production assistance for a shoot in Belarus. Although this part of the world is hardly known to anyone in Europe, Tomas Ilg demonstrated impressive knowledge of the country. He has evidently done well his "homework" before coming to Minsk. His producer skills and technical expertise are truly spectacular, and his ability to work in a team is so good, that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Tomas for any production job anywhere in Europe or elsewhere.

Ilya Kouznetsoff
Belarus Productions

Cine Dreams, India

Ferag Production in Neu Dehli (India)

Ferag Production in Neu Dehli (India)


cine dreams film corporation,india

Minnesota Video Productions, St. Paul, USA

At a shoot at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, Thomas needed to interview internationally known Medical Doctors on their field of expertise. My company was hired by him to provide local production assistance on this shoot and Thomas was fully prepared to collect the needed footage for his client. Thomas is a very efficient and effective producer!

Timothy O"Phelan
Minnesota Video Productions

Terje Henk, Tallinn, Estonia

I've done two short films with Thomas Ilg and I can say with no doubt
that you can count on him. He keeps his words and it gives you a safe
feeling that things will be done. Thomas is very precise and likes to
squeeze best out of the material. In these two projects he was the
master of editing. In the first project he also did special effects
and in second project he was a cameraman as well. So, he has several
skills and heart in it!

Terje Henk, Director

BBR Verkehrstechnik, Braunschweig, Deutschland

Funktionsanimation BBR Verkehrstechnik

Funktionsanimation BBR Verkehrstechnik

Auszug aus einem Kommentar an das verantwortliche Produktionshaus Media Film:
Die Reaktionen auf unseren Film sind einhellig gut, da er einen guten, schnellen Einblick über unsere Firma vermittelt. Das gilt umso mehr, wenn wir "Vertriebler" den Kunden nur vor Ort aufsuchen und nicht unsere Firma zeigen können.
Neben der Downloadmöglichkeit auf unserer Homepage wurde der Film auf der Messe eingsetzt, an diverse Neukunden versendet, bei Besuchen im Hause als Einleitung auf der Leinwand und natürlich bei Besuchen von Neukunden vorgeführt. Also Einsatzgebiete sind genug da.

Marco Gerlach, Vertrieb
BBR Verkehrstechnik GmbH

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