External Reviews/Videos
Vintage is the new old - January 1, 2016
"With the short and compelling instruction – Crash everything that gets in your way. Collect points for that. Exchange the points and bonuses for cute hearts. And go and buy more cars and tracks in the flower shop – Anarcho Ride is an arcade game in its roots. ..."
Indie Retro News - December 21, 2015
"Anarcho Ride - Arcade smashing racer for the Atari STe/Falcon goes final! ..."
Maggie 25th - November 2015
"... a racing game to end all sensible racing games, Anarcho Ride! ..."
Nemesiz4ever - November 19, 2015 (German)
" ... Ich könnte mir auch gut vorstellen, daß es der Brüller auf irgendwelchen Partys werden könnte, wo sich die Leute gegeneinander messen und auf Rekordjagd gehen. ...."