It is open for more cars, more levels, more expansion packs.
It is open for more languages.
It is open for more music.
It can be played from floppy disk(s) with floppy swapping, A/B drive or it can be installed to a harddrive with the Setup tool.
It is able to manage memory, delete unused objects, load new objects and re-use already loaded objects. And furthermore manage how many of the provided scale stages are actually used to save Ram.
Graphics are organized in packages, levels can access graphical packages, position objects, change colours and all is controlled by a script language in the level/package file with automated floppy swapping requests if needed.
Side software has been written to manage and scale the sprite objects and help to transfer graphics from a modern Windows system to the ATARI ST in a streamlined process.
Street shapes are made in a "street generator program: by moving the mouse a new street shape is generated.
With all the tools in place: From having a full sprite set on Windows to having a new level up and running is roughly doable in less than an hour.
All of that is written 100% in GFA Basic